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Fun Facts

Ice-Tacular Fun Facts

Exotic Produce of the World.

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Did you Know?

Papaya is often called the “fruit of the angels,” and it’s no wonder — it has one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C out of any fruit.

Did you Know?

Coconut water can be a substitute for blood plasma. The high level of sugar and other salts make it possible to add the water to the bloodstream, similar to how an IV solution works in modern medicine. Coconut water was known to be used during World War II in tropical areas for emergency transfusions.

Did You Know?

Contrary to popular belief, avocados are considered berries. Yes, you read that right! While they may not resemble the typical image of a berry, avocados belong to the berry family. Botanically speaking, a berry is a fruit that develops from a flower with one ovary and contains seeds.

Did You Know?

Breadfruit is a round green fruit grown in the tropical regions. It is served as a substitute for rice, bread, pasta, and potatoes. The fibrous texture of breadfruit has nutritional benefits and is rich in antioxidant. It is prepared by roasting the outer layer or peeled and baked. Breadfruit is typically served along with a variety of vegetables and meats during breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Did You Know?

Oranges originated around 4000 BC in Southeast Asia, and then into India. There are now over 600 varieties of oranges worldwide

Did you Know?

It takes almost three years for a single pineapple to reach maturation, which should make us all appreciate this delectable fruit even more.

Did You Know?

100% of a watermelon is edible, including the seeds and the rind. This means watermelon is a zero food waste food. The green skin in even edible but certainly it needs to be cooked

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