Family Promise, The Christmas Giveback

We received this heartfelt thank you letter from Family Promise of Jacksonville. Continue reading to explore the positive feedback shared. 


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The generosity and kindness of the you made Christmas merry and bright! Thanks to you, Family Promise brimmed with Christmas spirit! It was truly a wonderful moment to share the joy of families. We had a need for toys for babies and boys and you filled the void. Plus our shelves are now stocked with the supplies that you donated. On behalf of Family Promise of Jacksonville, I want to thank all of you for your generosity and kindness. The Christmas gifts for our families created a bonanza of joy that was filled with delight. I know the parents were very grateful for the gifts. For families who are now celebrating in their own homes, Christmas is a time of joy but can also be a time of financial stress. Your giving spirit ensured those parents could celebrate. Thanks to you, our families have a better foundation. You may never meet the families you helped, but you changed their lives.- Sincerely, Beth Mixson- Development Director